Friday 29 January 2010

Music effects the people around u

I have recently been thinking about the links between music, art and emotional effects. i have always had a love for music and i am sure that most people do. music to me has very strong links with other aspects of life, most obvious is art, fashion and video. but also has a significant effect on our emotional and physical beings. music effects for me mainly effect my mood. i want to carry out a study of effects of listening to different music, for example; mood and mindset. also i would like to point out in my interest in djing drum and bass and having recorded a mix of 58 minutes would like to see different peoples reactions, to me that is art because you are getting a reaction from an audience whether it is positive or negative, and my main aim is to stage a performance in an atmosphere that is suited for drum and bass. i will be using this blog to record reactions and progress, thanx Coz

Friday 27 March 2009

I love this picture, it is so grimie, also has the word CUNT in it lol bear hilair.
this photo below is my favourite i would love to take a photo like this

it is obviously has been heavily altered in photoshop, but it is something about it being so dirrty and grimey which i love, the photo is not of anything nice, it is just beutifully taken.

Thursday 26 March 2009

T-shirts so far.

these are my first t-shirts, they aint nuffin special, just sumfin to get me on my own 2's, have a butchers c wat u fink.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

what it iz that i do.

i have always had a passion for clothes, well making an designing them. i love graffiti as well. i am trying to bring both of them together. well me and Hayley (Dots And Drops) have come up with trying to start our own brand. not too sure what to call it, we have had a few shitty ideas for names; Badman Tingz, Smash Tha Bank, Dead Soul, Stubbed wear, Baby Girl Beats and Bear Lip. all i think are cool names but nuffin that would stand out from the rest. i want to one day contend with the likes of Stussy, Supreme and Married to the Mob, maybe its thinking to far ahead but its always good to dream. i hope that we are able to get this going, it would be fukin amazing, there is nuffin i would wish for more than that to happen. the brand that would be created (hopefully) i want to aim at street wear to entwine with the Dupstep scene and such. i have come up with a few designs, nuffin great but its early days an need to get jotting down wiv sik designs. anyways here are sum stencils, they are nuffin amazing but they are something.

Me an Tings

This is my first blog, i have started COZ i felt the need to get my interests, ideas and work on the internet. i am at Nottingham Trent uni doin fine art, its a bit shit really, but its sumfin to do at the end of the day, that is of course if i can be bovered instead of pissing about with other unesecessaries or however you spell the fukin word. also expect alot of spellin mistake Coz i am a bit of a din wen it comes to writing spellin or anything of dat nature, also being dyslexic (think that is the right spellin) i am labeled 'Mentally retarded' woop woop so yeah, wen readin wat i hav to say if u ever feel the need dont expect much or to be able to understand it. all i can say though at least its typed an not written Coz then u wud be gud an propa fuked wiv bein able to string words togeva. anyways anuf bollx bout my inability to write propa, will from this point try an talk a bit of sense.

well a bit on my life an tings. was born ont the 12th of june 1989, which suks Coz being born at the end of a shit decade to b borught up into a shitter decade lol.

yeah well was born at that time in saaf london, east croydon, well lived there for a bit then pissed off to live in italia (which was nice). then had to cum bak Coz my mum wanted my sister to b born in england, bit of a shitter, fukin sister, jkes fukin love my sister eventhough she is a little shit, but she is fam.

then stayed in landan a bit more in the wickham that is west. then went to live in essex. then came bak Coz of a bit of a nasty break up between mi mammi an pappi.

Coz my mum didnt want me to got to the shitty saaf landan schools went to a even better 1 in Kent, which instead of bein filled wiv townies an shit was filled wiv dutty Pikies (prob will get beaten up for that).

after school was fortunate enuf for my mum to meet steven my step dad, who is a legend even though he gets on my tits, but i am pretti sure i do tha same so fair enuf, well anyways he sent me to a school that helped me wiv my retardness an got me propa sorted wiv good A levels.

afta that went to a college in maiders, fukin quality time, made good friends an taught me how to b a pretentious Fine artist. and now i am here at nottingham, where i hav made sum fukin quality mates, bear luvs dem all messhead an pissheads the fukin lot. well i beta get started on this blog ting, hope u enjoy it if u got this far to read this, if so thanx an yeah kool. Coz x